Porcelain Veneers An Overview
Do you want to dramatically improve the appearance of your smile?
Porcelain veneers are a customizable, natural-looking solution that can be used to address a range of cosmetic dentistry concerns. Finding the ideal solution to address your cosmetic dental concerns can be a tough process. Our team works with our patients on an individual basis to find the most effective solution for their needs. In terms of cosmetic concerns, porcelain veneers can be the solution you’ve been searching for.
Veneers can be designed and crafted to address:
- Stained or discolored teeth
- Mishappen or uneven teeth
- Damaged or broken teeth
- Chipped or fractured teeth
- Mildly misaligned or crooked teeth
Porcelain veneers are designed with your unique goals and needs in mind. Our team can build a plan that effectively addresses your cosmetic concerns and get you one step closer to the smile of your dreams.
Technology-Based Cosmetic Dentistry: Digital Smile Design
At Smile Dental Group we used the latest in dental technology in the planning and placing of veneers. We use Digital Smile Design (DSD) to give our patients the benefit of being an active participant in their smile design process. DSD utilizes a series of 3-D images and videos to create a patient’s ideal smile on a computer screen. DSD technology incorporates a patient’s facial aesthetic, expressions, features, and personality to create the smile of their dreams. Before any treatment is performed, patients have the opportunity to “try on” their projected smile and give their input. With DSD, we are able to build a more accurate, precise result.
Schedule An Appointment
Our team at Smile Dental Group in Antelope Valley is dedicated to creating beautiful, natural-looking smiles. As highly trained cosmetic dentists, we can effectively and efficiently address your dental concerns. If you would like to determine if porcelain veneers are the right solution for your smile, visit our dental office. After a detailed evaluation, we will build a treatment plan that is right for you. To schedule an appointment, call (661) 947-9990 or request an appointment online.