Archive for the ‘Invisalign’ Category


Is it Too Late For Invisalign?

Is it Too Late For Invisalign?

Are you living with crooked or overlapping teeth? Are you tired of feeling embarrassed or self-conscious of your smile? Crooked teeth can more than a cosmetic problem. They can also endanger your oral health by altering the stability and function…


Invisalign At A Glance

Invisalign At A Glance

Crooked or crowded, overlapping teeth can be more than embarrassing. They can also negatively impact your oral health by changing the stability of your bite. This can lead to problems down the road. Smile Dental Group is a West Lancaster…


Is Invisalign right for my teen?

Is Invisalign right for my teen?

Straightening crooked teeth is necessary for all patients. We understand that patients, especially teens, want a discreet solution for addressing their orthodontic issues. Invisalign is a great way to discreetly and safely straighten crooked and misaligned teeth. Not only is this revolutionary orthodontic treatment ideal…